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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Railway Track Fastener Inspection System Establishment (1/2) - A Research on the Establishment of a Defective Fasteners Detection System
Dept Transportation Technology Research Center
Year 2020
Month 2
Price 150
Summary       The railway track fastener is used to fasten the railway track onto the crosstie to improve the train's stability and safety. 
Currently, there are some automatic detection systems developed for track safety; however, these systems are customized for 
different countries due to different types of track standards. The deployment methods range from traditional computer vision 
to deep learning based. In this study, we proposed using Yolo v3 instead of the earlier SSD, R-CNN, and faster R-CNN. We set 
up a fastener recording device on a flat track car by using sport cameras and LED lamps to capture images of track fasteners. 
Users could queue the fastener videos to the first buffer for upload, and the uploaded videos could be queued to the second 
buffer for defective track fastener detection. The trained Yolo v3 neural network classification module is encapsulated as a Web 
API for this task. In the experiments, a total of 70km track fastener videos were captured in a 1920*1080 resolution at a speed 
no more than 35km/hour due to low light at night. There are six types of normal fasteners and four defective types defined for 
inspection. We split the dataset into 80% as training and 20% for testing. The average detection rates for normal and defective 
fasteners were 82.5% and 74.5%, respectively, which achieved the goal of efficient inspection of railway track. Finally, the 
GPS position of the defective fastener interpolated in the captured video is used to find the nearest hundred meter of track 
which in turn is used to calculate the offset in order to search for the detected defective fastener. Through this way, human 
efforts could be greatly reduced. 
Benefits and Applications: 
      The research results can serve as a reference for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and or the Taiwan 
Railway's track maintenance unit in subsequent maintenance and reinforcement of tracks in order to effectively manage track 
safety in the daily track inspection. 
Post date 2020-04-24
Count Views:345