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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Application of Internet of Things Technology at Smart Ports and Terminal Operation
Dept Transportation Engineering, Maritime and Air Transport Division
Year 2019
Month 6
Price 0
Summary With the rapid construction of emerging ports and the increasingly fierce competition in global port operations in recent years, traditional ports are facing the pressure of transformation, and many international ports have invested in digital construction and actively transformed into smart ports. This paper studies the development status of international smart ports, the applications of emerging technologies such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain, reviews the current development and planning context of global smart ports, and seeks to develop an in-depth understanding of the significance of smart ports for the development of intelligent cargo transportation processes and integration of transportation systems. Finally, the study offers a preliminary assessment of the competitiveness of Taiwan’s ports in the international arena, explores the current situation and chokepoints in the development of smart ports, and proposes countermeasures and suggestions, to serve as a reference for port management.
Post date 2019-06-17
Count Views:673