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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title The examination of the marine safety investigation scheme in Taiwan
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 2019
Month 11
Price 300
Summary The objective of marine safety investigation is to prevent marine incidents in the future and to investigate any such incidents. Based on the separation from, and independent of, any other form of investigation, marine safety investigation should be applying consistent methodology and approach, to enable and encourage a broad ranging investigation, where necessary, in the interests of uncovering the causal factors and other safety risks; and providing
reports to the International Maritime Organization to enable a wide dissemination of information to assist the international marine industry to address safety issues.
Based on the framework of the International Conventions, Regulations and Codes relating to marine safety investigation and cooperative investigation among nations, this study is set to assess and evaluate the status and problems of Taiwan’s marine safety investigation scheme and make recommendations regarding issues in Taiwan’s marine safety investigation system and measures that need to be taken to make Taiwan’s practice align with international practice. The research findings may serve as a reference to government agencies under the Taiwan Transportation Board (TTSB) and the Minsitry of Traffic and Communications (MOTC).
Post date 2019-12-09
Count Views:537