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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Upgrade and Promotion of Conventional Railway Capacity Software (2/2)
Dept Transportation Planning and Land Transport Division
Year 2019
Month 10
Price 260
Summary In order to meet the needs in rail transportation development, the Institute of Transportation carried out a series of research projects. These projects developed models and software to analyze rail capacity for conventional railway systems. These models and software can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of bottleneck mitigation and capacity enhancement. However, as application of capacity analysis technology becomes increasingly common, the capacity software becomes gradually unable to meet users’ functional requirements. Thus, the Institute of Transportation launched the two-year project Upgrade and Promotion of Conventional Railway Capacity Software.
In the second year (2018) of this project, this plan enhanced analytic functions of Conventional Railway Capacity Analysis Software, including integrating analytic functions for both single rail section and continuous rail sections, collecting data on highways around the island to develop parameter data files, and developing a Project Wizard to help users to quickly create projects. Furthermore, we built a rail capacity website and conducted educational training courses to promote these rail capacity research results. Finally, this plan revised and enlarged the Taiwan Rail Capacity Manual. Besides corrections and updates, the new edition of this manual expanded the assumed conditions for the capacity models and special response scenarios. The manual may serve as a decision-making support tool for railway projects by industry, government, universities, and research institutes.

Post date 2019-10-07
Count Views:576