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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Integration and Maintenance of Safety Education Training Platform for Motorcyclists and Drivers: Risk Perception Education Materials and Applications for Motorcyclists
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 2019
Month 8
Price 400
Summary Human factors are the primary contributor of traffic accidents. Among these, driving behaviors, which consist of a series of complicated tasks and mind activities, are affected by internal and external factors such as workload and driving experience.Drivers may make errors or mistakes in the process of perception, comprehension, projection, judgment/decision, and performance of actions. Consequently, the risk of accident occurrence would be raised. While education is one of the main approaches in traffic safety enhancement, the design of safety education materials and the way to deliver them still lack a systematic approach. Based on the results of previous years, this study will first deduce human errors from accident videos with the reference to accident occurrence theories. The deduced errors will then be used as the basis for developing safety education materials. This project will also review foreign cases regarding how their safety education materials were developed and delivered to drivers. In addition, a specific topic will be chosen to develop risk perception course package for motorcyclists including course documentation and a simple interactive computer program. The outcome of this project is expected to serve as a reference for developing road user safety education materials in the future as well as for delivering safety education courses and evaluating their effectiveness
Post date 2019-08-20
Count Views:643