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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title A study of existing problems and improvement options of disaster prevention and protection of self-defense fire brigades in Ministry of Transportation and Communication subordinate agencies
Dept Transportation Safety Division
Year 2019
Month 8
Price 0
Summary Under Taiwan’s current government structure, many institutions still have their own so-called “self-defense fire brigades” because of security requirements as follows: Airports, Civil Aeronautics, Long Tunnels, Export Processing Zone Administration, Taiwan Railways Administration, Harbor Bureaus, and Hsinchu Science Industrial Park.
A legal basis to incorporate fire-fighting personnel under MOTC and non-fire-fighting agencies into the public servant firefighter system. If MOTC would adopt a self-defense model of fire brigades, it would increase financial burden from adding fire service resource and worsen professional training quality. For example, a tunnel self-defense fire brigade under an outsourcing model would make it hard to control the quality of firefighters and their professional training.
This project hopes to find out an optimization scheme related to the organization of firefighter human resource, personnel expenditure, equipment, and employment, evaluation and Training in MOTC subordinate agencies through comparing with public sector, contracting out model, and self-recruitment method.
This study first compares public, outsourced, and self-defense models of fire-fighting, and take reference from foreign-related institutions, other domestic institutions (including State Owned Enterprise) and their fire-fighting models, as well as from private firefighting methods. Some fire-fighting capabilities may be supplemented by military substitute or through prior examinations. Finally, by conducting questionnaires, expert interviews, and a satisfaction survey, this project inventories the organization, budgeting, equipment, and training of a fire-fighting unit under MOTC and its overall feasibility. The results will be analyzed by SPSS, SWOT, etc. The study will present proposals for the short, medium, and long term as reference to MOTC and its agencies.
Post date 2019-08-20
Count Views:660