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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title Analysis of decreasing the concentration of idle exhaust pollution while motorcycle waiting at the red light period with twostage left turn
Dept Transportation Energy and Environment Division
Year 2019
Month 8
Price 0
Summary Motorcycles are one of the most commonly modes of transport in Taiwan. The highly concentrated pollutants exhaust from motorcycles is not easily diffused, which directly impacts the health of fellow motorcyclists, passengers and pedestrians. Therefore, in order to improve the air pollution of motorcycle emissions, the public sector should continue to reduce the pollution of motorcycles, and determine what concentrated pollutants are generated by motorcycles in various types of traffic microenvironment .
The current study discusses the characteristics of emissions generated by motorcycles’ twostage left turns. The relevant literatures regarding the health impacts that focus on certain victims were collected, as well as related environmental regulations. Under the condition of maintaining the two-stage left-turn system for motorcycles, traffic engineering strategies are proposed, such as improvements in time intervals and spatial separations. The research assessed the effects of such measures.
The above-mentioned traffic measures would reduce air pollution emissions and save energy.Taking Taipei City as an example, The study estimated the emission reductions of approximately 977 - 1,109 metric tons (MT) of carbon monoxide (CO), 68-323 MT of hydrocarbons (HC), 15 MT of nitrogen oxides (NOX), and 4,139 MT of carbon dioxide (CO2). It would also save around 1.957 million liters of fuel consumption per year, which be equal to an average of 62 dollars cost per motorbike per year.
Post date 2019-08-20
Count Views:663