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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Summary of IOT Publications

Title E-Navigation with Ship Monitoring and W arning Systems
Dept Transportation Technology Research Center
Year 2020
Month 2
Price 200
Summary       The purpose of this study is to combine ship dynamics, electronic charting, and maritime meteorological environment
information, primarily to strengthen the development and upgrading of inte lligent shipping systems, thus achieving the goal of
making smarter transportation technology. Adopting new technologies for intelligent ports as our development direction, we
effectively utilized the ship dynamic information obtained through the Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiving station
to analyze and calculate ship trajectories and route distribution for each port, thus achieving the effects of energy saving and
carbon reduction by optimizing choice of sea routes. Based on a large amount of historical data accumulated by the AIS and the
dynamic system of ships in the sea area of Taiwan, combined with comprehensive analysis of the geospatial environment, this
project allows more clearly and effectively grasping the dynamic history of ships mov ing in the sea area of Taiwan.
The integrated application includes effective use of ship information obtained through the AIS receiving station, to analyze
and calculate the ship trajectory and route distribution in the regional seas around Taiwan We used ship information collected
by the AIS to establish ship deceleration data for 20, 15, and 10 nautical miles from the port, to monitor ships as they swit ch to
the use of low sulfur fuel to reduce air pollution emissions. According to the status of greenhouse gas emissions of ships,
emissions of SO 2 , CO 2 , etc. by ships sailing in Taiwan waters are estimated. We also established the Vessel Speed Reduction
Surveill ance System (VSRSS) to decrease pollution as vessels exit and enter harbors.
      The benefits of this research and its subsequent applications include:
1. Promoting intelligent navigation as a trend in international maritime development, in order to improve
navigation safety,
security, and protection of the marine environment, and to continuously push forward smart navigation planning that combines
intelligent shipping and environmental protection on an existing basis.
2. Using the AIS receiving station to r
eceive dynamic vessel information, thus helping the VSRSS to monitor and calculate
vessel route data and reduce vessel speed.
3. Through the automatic identification system receiving station, the results are provided for governance and academic resear
r eference to the Maritime Port Bureau (MPB) within the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC); the Ministry of
Economic Affairs (MOEA); the various Ports Corporation branches; the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA); the
Coast Guard Admin istration (CGA); the Fisheries Agency; academic research institutions; and the shipping industry.
Post date 2020-04-24
Count Views:362