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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Exploring the Vehicle Fuel Fee Levy System in Taiwan

  • Date:2019-03-06
  • Update:2019-03-06
  • Department:IOT

Project Overview:

  All sectors of the society have always had different point of views on the topic of the domestic Vehicle Fuel Fee levy. The current method is "Levied by Vehicle", however, many people think that the Vehicle Fuel Fee shall be "Levied by Fuel" to be in compliance with the principle of fairness, and this issue is formed as a proposal on the Public Policy Participation Network Platform, which further raised the attention of elected representatives. This research explores the topic of Vehicle Fuel Fee levy with the premises of establishing a fair tax and fee levy system, explores the Vehicle Fuel Fee levy plan, and conducts planning on promoting the policy as the reference for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

Research outcomes:

(1)The Research aimed to understand the current international trends, all countries have been striving towards the ban on the sales of fuel vehicles but the road maintenance costs are still need to be paid continuously so that the current situation in the United States is also facing the dilemma of shortage of fuel taxes as the financial source for road maintenance costs, and the "Levy by Mileage" program, "Levy by Fuel" program are relatively unable to reflect the spirit of The User Pays, and does not have the added benefits in derivative new industries.

(2)Additionally, in terms of the coordination between the Ministries and the administrative costs of "Levy by Fuel", the Ministry of Transportation and Communications needs to be responsible for considering the following factors: Include the vehicles of "Use Road Not Use Fuel", exclude the targets of "Use Fuel Not Use Road", establish the Levy System, maintain the existing exemption policy (passenger buses, taxis) as well as the cooperation and division of work between Ministries in the fuel flow direction management, investigation and clearing.

(3)Under the principle of "The User Pays " and fairness, in reference to vehicle technology development and international trends in road maintenance cost systems, fee levy benchmark shall adopt the "Vehicle Total Weight" (more significant to the road damage) and "Vehicle Travel Mileage" as the calculation factors. Research and propose the phased recommendations of "Levy by Mileage".

(4)Completed the development of the Vehicle Fuel Fee Levy program, including “Levy by Vehicle Weight”, “Levy by Fuel” and “Levy by Mileage”, and conduct the development of supporting measures (as shown in the Table).

Promotion of Outcomes and Benefits:

(1)Establish a network platform for opinion collection and concept communication.

(2)Organize five opinion collection and communication workshops.

(3)Continue the “Feasibility Study of Levying the Vehicle Fuel Fee by Mileage" in 2018.

Summary of Key Resarch Outcomes :

Explanation of Vehicle Fuel Fee Levy Programs and Supporting Measures

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