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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Passenger carrier's assistant – driver health management system

  • Date:2018-06-06
  • Update:2019-10-29
  • Department:IOT

  Bus drivers play a key role in public transportation system. Their health are critical to public safety. Addressing multiple traffic accidents due to urban or highway bus driver heart failures and preventing them from occurring again, the NCTRD supported by IOT of MOTC and Howtai Bus joint implemented a "Driver health management system". This system monitors driver health by measuring drivers with heart frequency spectrum meter to close monitor their cardiovascular health status and take appropriate measures against abnormal or dangerous conditions to ensure traffic safety.
  Howtai Bus has started implementing its driver health management system with heart frequency spectrum meter to encourage drivers' managing their health since March 2017. Few drivers (40% odd) accepted the system in the promotion period of this system from March to June 2017. After official launch of the system in July most of them took the measurement (more than three quarters on average) daily. It's clear that they have adopted the health management steps of measuring heartbeat daily before their first driving shift to care about their cardiovascular health. The abnormality alarms rate on average down from 19.1% in early stage of the system (between July and September 2017) to 14.2% in period from October 2017 to March 2018, thanks to assistance provided by the company to help drivers get checked and treated in case of any symptom. The system is really working by enabling drivers to know and maintain cardiovascular health through regular measurement.
  The measurement statistics suggest that the introduction of cardiovascular health status inspection device and driver health management system not only assist the Howtai Bus in effective managing driver health but also minimizing risks of accidents due to heart failure suffered by drivers on the road. The same system, when adopted by other passenger or tourist carriers, may further improve public transport safety and service quality and ease the general publics' using the public transportation system.
  The Tainan Public Transportation Office has been working on improving service quality of public transportation system in the Greater Tainan Area in recent years. Assisted by IOT, MOTC, Mr. Lu Jianghui, head of the Office who also paid much attention in drivers' health management, came along with representatives of other carrier to Howtai Bus in March 2018 to learn about the latter's efforts in promoting driver health management. Mr. Lu is committed to enhance safety and protection for the publics in riding the public transportation system and drivers in servicing them. 

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