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Institute of Transportation, MOTC

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Project Status

Subject Big Data Analysis on Application Service for Transportation Infrastructure Decision Support Systems

  There is competition as well as co-operation among ground transoration. To improve the efficiency of government’s investment and make better use of limit resource. It is necessary not only to construct a model used to evaluate and assess the future transportation plans but also to confirm the future development direction.

  From 2007 to 2015, the IOT has established the “Taiwan Transportation Decision Support System”, which is beneficial to assist the assessment and analysis of transportation plans. This projects aims to co-operate with the transportation planning review and transportation planning, improve the whole transportation planning as well as from mid to long term of transportation developments and support the process of making policy.

  The commencement of this year will included big data mining and application of integration by using the TGOS, improve the whole transportation planning timeliness.

  The project has the following objectives:

  1. Use big data mining methods to assist transportation development issues.
  2. Continue support regular tasks on transporataion plan database.
  3. Maintain and upgrade Taiwan Transportation Policy Decision Support System.
  4. Assist and analyze transportation development issues with IOT.
  5. Hold events for training, promoting, and transferring technoligy.
  6. Submit findings to journals or conferences.
    KeyWords: Medium-to-Long-Term Transportation Development Program, Decision Support System, Integrated Database, Big Data
Category Planning Division
Process Completed preliminary report
Post date 2019-02-27
Count Views:691